I am a Breathing Time Machine

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Helen Kowalcuk made a note.
7 years ago

This is a personal story of my experience at my first Avett show.

I was originally going to drive down with a group of 6 friends from Orlando. I was looking forward to the show because I had been listening to the band for a few years and they helped me through some traumatic things, as they have many. As the day arrived all 6 friends started to drop out of the trip for their various reasons. I was devastated. One of the girls came over to my house and I finally got her convinced to make the drive with me. We contacted two of the others and I TOLD them I was coming to get them and I did not care what they said, they were coming with us. I had never been so assertive in my life. I just knew I needed this. Once we got into the venue the music started almost immediately. Our whole group scattered separately. We all experienced this show on our own. It was a game changer for me. Toward the end of the show we all ended up back together next to the soundboard and shared the end of the show together. The girl that came down with me told me she spent almost the whole show in tears because it was that incredible of an experience for her and that she now had a new favorite band. ❤️ So did I. So did I. 
